Development & community

Aldryn Categories is an open-source project.

You don’t need to be an expert developer to make a valuable contribution - all you need is a little knowledge, and a willingness to follow the contribution guidelines.

Divio AG

Aldryn Categories was created by Divio AG and is released under a BSD licence.

Aldryn Categories is compatible with Divio’s Aldryn cloud-based django CMS hosting platform, and therefore with any standard django CMS installation. The additional requirements of an Aldryn application do not preclude its use with any other django CMS deployment.

Divio is committed to Aldryn Categories as a high-quality application that helps set standards for others in the Aldryn/django CMS ecosystem, and as a healthy open source project.

Divio maintains overall control of the Aldryn Categories repository.

Standards & policies

Although Aldryn Categories is not strictly dependent on django CMS, it is maintained under the same standards and policies of django CMS.

These include:

Please familiarise yourself with this documentation if you’d like to contribute to Aldryn Categories.

Running tests

Aldryn Categories uses django CMS Helper to run its test suite.

Backend Tests

To run the tests, in the aldryn-categories directory:

virtualenv env  # create a virtual environment
source env/bin/activate  # activate it
python install  # install the package requirements
pip install -r test_requirements/django-1.11.txt  # install the test requirements
python  # run the tests

You can run the tests against a different version of Django by using the appropriate value in django-xx.txt when installing the test requirements.

Frontend Tests

Follow the instructions in the aldryn-boilerplate-bootstrap3 documentation and setup the environment through the Backend Tests section.

Instead of using python described above, you need to execute python server to get a running local server. You can open the development server locally through The database is added within the root of this project local.sqlite. You might want to delete the database from time to time to start with a fresh installation. Don’t forget to restart the server if you do so.